Yvonne Claremont Acupuncturist in Southampton and Lyndhurst acupuncture and cupping in action

News and research articles

Access to a number of research articles is available from the British Acupuncture Council Website and the World Health Organisation website and Acupuncture Resource Centre which gives evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of specific conditions.

Links and references

British Acupuncture Council – the Governing Body for acupuncture. The site contains a list of all members as well as having numerous research articles available.

College of Integrated Chinese Medicine – the college/university where Yvonne underwent her training.

World Health Organisation – have carried out extensive trials on the effectiveness of acupuncture for specific conditions, and list those that they believe acupuncture can treat successfully.

The British Medical Acupuncture Society – carry out their own research into the effectiveness of acupuncture.

Acupuncture Research and Resource Council (ARRC) – British based research into the effectiveness of acupuncture for various conditions.


logo Acupuncture in Southampton and Winchester at:
The Grove Centre, Southampton, Hampshire
The Naturopathic Centre, 1 Lake Court, Hursley, Winchester, Hants

©2015 Yvonne Claremont, Acupuncturist